During installation, we provide training for you and offer help. After you are familiar with the process, add all of your training courses, employee evaluation, and competency tests.
For example in ISO 9001:2015 Section 7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge and Section 7.2 Competence, Objective Evidence can be show with a standard report. These reports can show what employee has passed a work instruction test.
With our testing / training tool you can:
- Embed images or videos in a test
- Use the title of the test on your own custom certificate
- Categorize your tests (by department, function, etc...)
- Use multiple test templates to make them user friendly
- Set a timer for the test (must complete in Y minutes)
- Set a minimum score to pass a test
- Shuffle questions
- Allow an employee to review (or not) the test before submitting
- Define final grading by First Attempt, Last Attempt, Average Score, Highest Score
- Turn on/off certificate
- Individual certificates per test or one standard
- Enable feedback (for each question)
- Set permissions for the tests
- Create question pool
- Set a point value for each question and/or each possible answer (i.e. partial credit)