ISO 14001:2015 (5 employee package)

ISO 14001:2015 (5 employee package) It covers general issues and internal auditor training issues of the 2015 release.

This corporate plan provides access for 5 employees and it includes access for these 3 courses:

1) ISO 14001:2015 Overview Course

2) ISO 14001:2015 Internal Auditor Course

3) ISO 19011 Auditing Management Systems

Intended Audience:

You are an internal auditor for your Environmental Management System.  This course is intended for:
  • Companies that have a current ISO 14001 EMS
  • New to ISO 14001: Companies looking into a first time certification for ISO 14001:2015 QMS
  • Environmental Compliance Managers
  • Internal Auditors
  • EMS Project Manager

This course covers all clauses of the new ISO 14001:2015 standard. 
  • Brief Look at the Standard
  • The Context of the Organization
  • Organization Knowledge
  • Interested Parties / Internal & External Issues
  • Leadership in your EMS
  • Environmental Policy
  • Roles & Responsibilities
  • Risks & Opportunities
  • Compliance Obligations
  • Communications (Internal vs External)
  • Documented Information
  • Monitoring & Measurement
  • Internal Audits
  • Continual Improvement
There are short quizzes embedded throughout the course lessons to help consolidate the information presented.

There are a few short quizzes after each major section of the standard.  You will receive a certificate of completion of the lessons and quizzes.

ISO 14001 internal auditor training offers several benefits for individuals and organizations in relation to environmental management. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Understanding ISO 14001 Requirements: ISO 14001 is the international standard for environmental management systems. Internal auditor training helps individuals gain a comprehensive understanding of the standard's requirements, including its structure, terminology, and interpretation. This knowledge enables them to effectively assess an organization's compliance with ISO 14001.

  2. Enhanced Audit Skills: Internal auditor training equips participants with the necessary skills and techniques to plan, conduct, report, and follow up on internal audits within the context of ISO 14001. They learn how to evaluate the organization's environmental management system, identify non-conformities, and provide valuable recommendations for improvement.

  3. Compliance and Certification Readiness: ISO 14001 internal auditor training assists organizations in meeting the requirements of the standard and preparing for certification audits. Trained internal auditors contribute to maintaining compliance, identifying gaps, and implementing corrective actions, thereby facilitating the certification process and ensuring ongoing adherence to environmental regulations.

  4. Process Improvement: Internal audits provide insights into an organization's environmental management processes and identify opportunities for improvement. Internal auditor training empowers individuals to provide valuable feedback and recommendations for enhancing processes, promoting resource efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable practices.

  5. Environmental Risk Management: ISO 14001 emphasizes the identification and management of environmental risks. Internal auditor training helps individuals assess the organization's environmental risk management practices, ensuring that risks related to pollution, resource depletion, and other environmental impacts are effectively identified, evaluated, and controlled.

  6. Supplier Evaluation and Control: ISO 14001 encourages organizations to consider environmental aspects throughout their supply chain. Internal auditor training enables individuals to evaluate and manage suppliers effectively in terms of their environmental performance, fostering sustainable practices and reducing the environmental footprint of the organization's supply chain.

  7. Stakeholder Engagement: ISO 14001 emphasizes the importance of engaging with internal and external stakeholders regarding environmental management. Internal auditor training helps individuals understand the significance of stakeholder communication and involvement, ensuring that the organization's environmental objectives and performance are effectively communicated and aligned with stakeholder expectations.

  8. Continuous Improvement: ISO 14001 places a strong emphasis on the continual improvement of environmental performance. Internal auditor training supports a culture of continuous improvement within the organization, enabling individuals to identify opportunities for environmental enhancement, track performance indicators, and implement corrective actions to drive sustainable practices.

By investing in ISO 14001 internal auditor training, organizations can develop competent internal auditors who play a crucial role in maintaining compliance, driving environmental improvement, and ensuring the effective management of environmental risks and impacts within the organization.

Duration: 365 days
Price: $3,695.00